Have any questions? Browse our Frequently Asked Questions below.
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What is a Datathon?
A Datathon is an event where participants gather to solve real world problems through the application of data science tools and techniques, by working together in teams to develop a solution. Teams are given a dataset and a limited amount of time and are challenged to use their creativity and tech skills to come up with a solution.
Why a Datathon?
For data science, machine learning, and artificial intelligence to be successfully executed, a large pool of data is required. Unfortunately, for a multitude of reasons, having sufficient curated data is difficult to obtain and many organisations are hesitant to share data. Not to mention, that to curate data, it requires a lot of effort to validate, cleanse, label, enrich data to the standard that is required to use it effectively. By attending a Datathon, we can prototype solutions to solve community problems.
Who can attend a Datathon?
You don’t need to have technical data science skills to participate in the Datathon. To develop smart, community-centric solutions we need subject matter experts (traditional owners, innovators, design thinkers and data scientists all working together. We recognise that the best solutions come when passionate people with diverse skills and experience work together. So, we are looking for participants from a variety of sectors including traditional owners, people from digital technologies, data science and product design to get involved in the Datathon.
How much does it cost?
The Datathon is a free event for participants, traditional owners, tech experts and students. If you would like to take part in this incredibly human adventure, you can register your interest by clicking on the button below: